Newbie needs help!

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Newbie needs help!

New postby TonyK on Fri Oct 30, 2009 11:48 am

I am a total newbie to podcasts. I recently got an email telling me about 2 podcasts that I want to listen to. So after some research for programs for my BB 8330 curve I have downloaded podtrapper. I also downloaded and installed the desktop downloader.

What now? I go to the website and find the podcast page, but now I'm not sure how to get them from the website to the BB. Do I hit the iTunes button, the 1click button?

Subscribe? Subscribe using?

Thanks in advance for any help.
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Re: Newbie needs help!

New postby diffused on Fri Oct 30, 2009 12:22 pm

Since I don't have Desktop downloaded, I copy the link and send it to my phone. Then copy and paste it into PodTrapper. Hopefully someone else will pipe up here.

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Re: Newbie needs help!

New postby arkolbus on Sat Oct 31, 2009 7:57 pm

There are a couple ways to subscribe to podcasts.

Browse/Search Method:
From within Podtrapper:
On the main screen, hit Menu->Add Podcasts->Browse/Search
This takes you to a podcast directory that Marcus (the man/legend behind podtrapper) has put together. You can search for the podcast this way. The search isn't perfect, but you should be able to find the podcast.

Once you find your podcast, click "View/Subscribe". This takes you to a page for that podcast. From there, hit Menu -> Subscribe to podcast
URL Method:
Don't hit the iTunes or 1-click buttons. What you want is the URL for the podcast feed. There might be a button that says RSS or XML, or the page might tell you to copy/paste a string of text into your podcasting tool, or you might already be at the page that has the podcast feed.

If you're not sure if you have the feed, post the URL of the page you're at, or just the name of the podcast here, and someone can help you.

Once you have the URL, email it to your device. You can put multiple URLs in the same email, as long as they're separated by white space (just put each address on a new line). Open up the email on your BB, then copy the URL(s). You can select all of them at the same time. Open up Podtrapper, from the main screen hit Menu->Add Podcasts->Enter urls manually. Hit menu->paste, then menu->save.

Let us know if you have any more questions.
HTC Droid Incredible 2
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Re: Newbie needs help!

New postby TonyK on Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:08 am

Ok, thanks for the replies. I understand how to get the download directly to the phone, but i was really hoping to download it to the desktop and transfer it. I hate to tie up my phone for the length of time it takes for the download.

Is anyone familiar with the desktop downloader?
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Re: Newbie needs help!

New postby arkolbus on Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:02 pm

The desktop downloader just acts like a proxy/router for Podtrapper, allowing your BB to use your computer's internet connection rather than downloading over wifi or OTA. The desktop downloader won't download anything on its own.

Things do go faster over the desktop downloader. It's not as fast as transferring the files over USB, but its faster than downloading OTA. I subscribe to ~50 podcasts, and I find that if I connect my phone in the morning, it's done updating and downloading by the time I shower and get breakfast. In the meantime, my phone data is automatically synced and backed up by the desktop manager.

FYI: If you want to use the desktop downloader, the desktop manager must be installed and running, and you need to enable downloading over USB in Podtrapper's settings.

I asked Marcus about the functionality you're looking for back in April (viewtopic.php?f=4&t=370#p1910), but I don't think Marcus is keen on developing it.
HTC Droid Incredible 2
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Re: Newbie needs help!

New postby San Juan on Wed Nov 04, 2009 7:48 am

I have my BB set to download the Podcasts at night while I sleep.
In the podcast settings for individual Podcasts or settings for new Podcasts you can choose to download after one is deleted or not.

I have several Podcasts that are downloaded every day. you can set the time the downloading is to occur.
San Juan
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