PodTrapper 2.0 Released!

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PodTrapper 2.0 Released!

New postby marwatk on Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:11 pm

Hi guys,

I just released the official version 2.0. Lots of features, bug fixes and a totally new UI. As always, let me know if you run into issues. (I imagine I'll be releasing 2.0.1 shortly :) )

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Re: PodTrapper 2.0 Released!

New postby marwatk on Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:14 pm

Just a post to bump this above the wiki post.
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Re: PodTrapper 2.0 Released!

New postby Neuroxic77 on Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:36 pm

Downloading and rebooting now!
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Re: PodTrapper 2.0 Released!

New postby delorean on Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:53 am

Absolutely loving the status bar at the bottom of the screen!

Great job as always!
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Re: PodTrapper 2.0 Released!

New postby philephool on Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:25 pm

Just for the record, I find the Black background color scheme hard to read at quickly when looking for podcasts...Maybe the color could be an option to change in future releases. Great software though...Made my podcast listening life 100x easier!

Re: PodTrapper 2.0 Released!

New postby countstex on Mon Apr 13, 2009 3:51 am

Just grabbed the update.. 2.0 whole new world!

Loving the new interface, very App World if I may say so. Looking like it's ready for the big time!

Not had a big play with all the new features yet, but like the Quick Add options.. and I now know my listening list is over 2GB long.. Yikes!

Will let you know if I hit any snags.. not to underestimate you but .0 releases are always trixy ;)
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Re: PodTrapper 2.0 Released!

New postby marwatk on Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:28 pm

philephool wrote:I find the Black background color scheme hard to read at quickly when looking for podcasts

I never had a problem with the white either, but right now it seems the current trend is for black. The whole prettiness factor is generally lost on me, so I'm just going with the flow :) I want to do themes for PT, but it seems like that's way to much focus on what it looks like instead of what it can do (I've already done more of that than i really wanted to), so no guarantees there...

Definitely let me know if you guys run into any issues, surprisingly 2.0 has had the fewest bugs for one of my releases (none so far, 3 days in). Granted, now that I say that I'm probably going to get inundated. :)

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Re: PodTrapper 2.0 Released!

New postby ammonsd on Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:53 pm

Very nice job with the new UI. Along with the new color, which I really like, PodTrapper really has a nice "sexy" look, which should bode well with the Blackberry Application Store. PodTrapper has really matured into a very fine Blackberry application, and you should be very proud of it. PodTrapper, along with Slacker, has turned my Storm into a very entertaining smart phone. Thanks.
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Re: PodTrapper 2.0 Released!

New postby grey on Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:01 pm

The new UI color (black or maybe midnight blue?) is awesome! Functionality has always been great and the previous look never bothered me at all, but now this looks like a sleek high-end app. Very cool.

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Re: PodTrapper 2.0 Released!

New postby Gib on Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:45 am

What happened in the list of podcasts, to showing the number of "listened" episodes ?
It shows the number which are unlistened, and the number which are undownloaded, but the ones which I've listened to might as well not exist...

I need to see this number because I operate without auto-delete turned on. I don't delete each episode as soon as I listen to it, because I listen from the playlist. I only delete stuff every day or so. I need to be able to see at a glance which podcast has stuff I need to delete in it.

I don't run with auto-delete, because sometimes I want to keep an episode to play for a friend or listen to again. And, particularly because I often fall asleep listening to the playlist, and want to be able to un-listen the ones which I didn't hear, and add them back to the playlist.

Without the "listened" summary for each podcast I can't delete, or un-listen to any of them easily...

Re: PodTrapper 2.0 Released!

New postby arkolbus on Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:45 am

Gib wrote:What happened in the list of podcasts, to showing the number of "listened" episodes ?
It shows the number which are unlistened, and the number which are undownloaded, but the ones which I've listened to might as well not exist...

I didn't even notice this was gone, since I run with auto-delete. It would be nice to have back though, since I've noticed sometimes auto-delete doesn't work (one-off errors that I can't replicate).
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Re: PodTrapper 2.0 Released!

New postby marwatk on Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:16 pm

I hated ditching useful information for the sake of appearance, but I couldn't come up with a way to display all that information and still look 'good'(?). I'm open to suggestions, though.

In 2.0.2 there is a 'preserve' setting that will save a podcast from auto-deletion, but I'll have to come up with a solution for the sleep thing (probably a sleep timer that temporarily disables the auto-delete).

Or, if anyone has an idea on how I can display the old info I'm all for it.

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Re: PodTrapper 2.0 Released!

New postby Gib on Thu Apr 23, 2009 5:53 am

I'd be happy with a "abbreviation mode".
Instead of the front saying "1 Ready 3 Not Downloaded 3 Listened", put "1R 3ND 3L". I coped previously with the icons afterall...

I'd prefer that than having the "listened" not displayed at all.

Or, include the number of listened episodes in the "Ready" number, in brackets. Because, the listened episodes are technically still "ready". Like, "1 (+3) Ready 3 Not Downloaded"....

Actually, I don't really care how many "listened" episodes there are in the podcast, only that there is at least 1. Can you have a flag, or a small icon to show there's a listened episode inside ?

It looks like the little red star next to the podcast name indicates if there are any episodes ready ?? I'm not sure why that's needed since that information is already available below that in the information about the number of episodes "Ready"... But something similar to that for the listened episodes would be good.


Re: PodTrapper 2.0 Released!

New postby Gib on Thu Apr 23, 2009 6:02 am

Looking at the podtrapper screen again, it looks like the line is long enough that a "3 listened" would fit after the "1 Ready 3 Not Downloaded". Am I wrong about that ???

Re: PodTrapper 2.0 Released!

New postby marwatk on Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:29 pm

I think what I'll do is put a setting on the general screen for 'Advanced display', which will do the abbreviation thing. That's probably the best approach unless someone else has a better idea.

The red asterisk only appears of there's a 'Ready' (read: downloaded) episode that is 0% listened (it's new). So, technically if you have some number 'Ready' but no red asterisk then you've got at least one partially (or fully) listened episode.

Either way I don't see a downside to the 'advanced' view.

Gib wrote:Looking at the podtrapper screen again, it looks like the line is long enough that a "3 listened" would fit after the "1 Ready 3 Not Downloaded". Am I wrong about that ???

The pearl and its wonderfully low resolution screen always kills those ideas :)

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Re: PodTrapper 2.0 Released!

New postby Gib on Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:29 am

Thanks, the advanced view would be cool.

And yes, I forgot not everyone has a Bold....
Can you do an "if (isBold())" to decide whether to print the advanced view in full, or abbreviated ?

I suppose it starts a complicated precedent in your code...

Re: PodTrapper 2.0 Released!

New postby marwatk on Sun Apr 26, 2009 11:15 am

Yeah, so far I've been able to not have any device specific hacks in there (well, except for a few bugs on the Storm OS I have to work around). I'm trying keep each one feature identical, though.

Versatile Monkey
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Re: PodTrapper 2.0 Released!

New postby Gib on Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:16 am

Well, you could instead of detecting the device, detect the screen size, to decide whether to use the full text...

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