upload HoneyDew to a new device

upload HoneyDew to a new device

New postby adkvincent on Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:33 pm

Hi there,

I just switched to a new device (my third torch, in 2 months..not too happy with BB right now), and now I don't really know how to upload the HoneyDew apps, which I purchased when I used my 2nd device. Since I received a new PIN, I already got the email from your company, with the new registration code and everything...but now I don't even know how I download the application. Please help! I really like the apps, want to have the apps on my new phone without paying it again.

Thanks - Amanda

Re: upload HoneyDew to a new device

New postby marwatk on Mon Sep 27, 2010 8:09 am

Hi Amanda,

You can always grab the latest version here:

You can generate a code for the new device here:

Let me know if either of those don't work for you.

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