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New postby Fonedoc on Mon Nov 02, 2009 6:02 pm

Any chance of an Android Podtrapper?
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Re: Android

New postby atomicwedgie on Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:22 am

I was just coming here to ask the same question. I might be moving to the Droid this Friday and the app I can already see that I will miss the most is PodTrapper. :(
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Re: Android

New postby arkolbus on Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:55 am

I was wondering the same thing. My next phone might run Android. That's a year away though, so we'll see if RIM can keep up.

Edit: Has anyone tried Google Listen on Android? It was the only podcast app on Android I could find, and not much has been said about it. I'm curious to see how it compares to PT.
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Any chance we could get this on Android?

New postby kchow84 on Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:52 pm

After 1 full frustrating year, I've given up on the Blackberry Storm. I like Blackberries, but the Storm did not do it for me. I wanted a touch screen phone, on Verizon, so I've picked up the Droid. I'm really liking it so far except for the severe and obvious lack of a good podcast manager. In-fact, I STILL keep my storm in the car to play podcasts when I'm driving, that's how much I love this app.

Since I discovered this app, I've purchased it and pitched it to my brother and another friend, who have also purchased it.

Enough about how much I love this app--do you have any plans to bring this to the Android OS? I would definitely buy it again for my Droid and I'm sure there are many others out there who would breath a sigh of relief if they could get a program like this on their Droid.
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Re: Android

New postby kchow84 on Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:53 pm

Sorry, I made a new post about this (don't know how I missed this one).

I picked up a Droid over the weekend and love it, but I still have to keep my Storm with me just for PT...Listen BLOWS compared to PT and Google most likely is not very concerned with its continued development.

*crosses fingers for an Android release*
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Re: Android

New postby arkolbus on Wed Nov 11, 2009 3:06 pm

kchow84 wrote:Listen BLOWS compared to PT

Can you expand on this? What don't you like about it? What are it's capabilities, and what is it missing?
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Re: Android

New postby kchow84 on Wed Nov 11, 2009 4:03 pm

Well, here are a few things that turned me off:

- The first podcast I wanted to add was the PC Gamer Podcast... searched for it, no results. It's a fairly popular podcast and I've never had a problem finding it. Yes, you can add podcasts via url, but if you can't find it via the supplied podcast search and it's a fairly common podcast, what else am I going to have to jump through hoops to find? (note: i did find a cool way to add podcasts to it-- go to this site and put the url for the feed in and click generate. Download the barcode scanner app on the droid, scan the barcode and you can open it in Listen which will add it...I still prefer to be able to search for podcasts through the app.)

- After all the work I went through to add the PC Gamer Podcast via the above workaround, I load up Listen on my way home and the podcast is not listed under my subscriptions any longer... great.

- I can't see the list of podcasts with a visual display of how much I have listened of each one like I can in Podtrapper.

- When you queue up podcasts for download, there's no way to tell what podcasts are in queue other than clicking on it to see if it says "queue remove" or "add to queue".

- You can't have it automatically keep a certain amount of podcasts saved. While it will download the new ones automatically, I believe you have to remove the old ones yourself when you are done listening to them.

- Under "subscriptions", where I go to select a podcast to play, the subscription title is the name of the current episode, not the actual podcast title. It can get confusing to find the podcast I want to find when they could just use the podcast name for the title, sort by alphabetical order and save me some headache.

Here are a few things it does (maybe even does well):

- Once you find the podcast you want to play, it's easy to pause, skip forward and backward.

- If a podcast has not been downloaded, you can browse to it and click "play now" and it will buffer and stream the podcast for you to listen (I don't think PT does that...? I generally update once a day at work and listen on the way home anyways, but I could see this being a nice feature)

- scanning through an episode is made even easier with a scroll bar you can drag to skip to a specific spot in the podcast

- it's quick and responsive

Maybe I was a bit harsh on Listen, but I would still recommend and use PT over it.
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Re: Android

New postby arkolbus on Wed Nov 11, 2009 4:22 pm

Thanks for the summary. Sounds usable, but far from the capabilities of PT.
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Re: Android

New postby atomicwedgie on Fri Nov 13, 2009 9:26 am

I am now living with a Droid. Yes I like the phone a lot but just as expected... PodTrapper is the app I most miss now. :(

I started a discussion over on droidforums and I am going to link it here. Hopefully this doesn't cross any lines but I do mention PodTrapper plenty of times. :) BookDroid is a solution for book listeners for now but if PT were to come to the Droid, I'd buy it in an instant. ... #post18316
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Re: Android

New postby marwatk on Wed Nov 18, 2009 7:21 pm

Heh, my original intention was to have PodTrapper on both BB and Android. (I wrote it in such a way that it should be relatively easy to port). Guess it's time to start :)

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Re: Android

New postby arkolbus on Wed Nov 18, 2009 7:27 pm

marwatk wrote:Heh, my original intention was to have PodTrapper on both BB and Android. (I wrote it in such a way that it should be relatively easy to port). Guess it's time to start :)


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Re: Android

New postby atomicwedgie on Wed Nov 18, 2009 11:03 pm

marwatk wrote:Heh, my original intention was to have PodTrapper on both BB and Android. (I wrote it in such a way that it should be relatively easy to port). Guess it's time to start :)


This is absolutely fantastic news! I am going to post this news over on the Droidforums!
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Re: Android

New postby marwatk on Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:42 pm

Yeah, no promises it'll be out tomorrow, but I'm hoping to have a beta before the end of the year.

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Jumped ship

New postby San Juan on Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:40 pm

OK, So I had enough struggling with my Storm, and in a moment of weakness, I got a Droid.
In the 3 days I have had it, I have not been able to find a decent podcatcher.
I am eagerly awaiting Podtrapper for Android (2.0.1 and 2.1).
I will gladly pay the price, It's worth it.
San Juan
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Re: Android

New postby texasPI on Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:21 am

Still waiting! Its been agony w/o my PT after switching to Droid. I've been using doggcatcher and while functional, I just feel PT is better.

Any news on the beta? :?:

Re: Android

New postby Rweddy1 on Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:17 am

Any update please!!!
I miss Pod Trapper so much after switching to my Moto Droid, I don't miss anything else about my BB Storm.
All the Pod Apps on Android are terrible, listen, dog catcher etc. they are all junk.

I know I would we willing to pay for it again, and would think that I am not alone on this one.

Any updates on Beta or when this will be developed?


Re: Android

New postby marwatk on Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:37 pm

Sorry guys, real life got in the way. I'm definitely further along, but not near a beta yet. (It's still non-functional while I reimplement some of the gui stuff in android).

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Re: Android

New postby mtcachers on Tue Feb 16, 2010 10:18 am

Any update on Podtrapper for Android?
PodTrapper 2.9.8
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Re: Android

New postby marwatk on Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:47 pm

Nothing yet, as soon as VersaTool gets settled down I'll be back to working on it.

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Re: Android

New postby skelzer on Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:48 pm

Put it this way.... I would happily pay double for a bare-bones alpha of PodTrapper for my forthcoming HTC Incredible.

Yes, this I would.

(nudge nudge) 8-)

Life with PT. I can't bear the thought.

Re: Android

New postby kchow84 on Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:03 am

Any updates?
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Re: Android

New postby stoneworrior on Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:28 pm

I am getting the EVO 4G AS SOON as it comes out. I am another one who would like to see PT ported over. I was just looking around for it on my wifes phone in Android market, didn't find it so came here. You have another waiting customer here :-)

Re: Android

New postby MJ on Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:59 pm

This is going to make moving my other half to a SuperSonic much easier... thanks in advance!!!

Now, my work is changing and I have to move to a WInMo6.5 phone... any suggestions for the closest thing to PT? I remember trying this a few years ago and ...UGH.


Re: Android

New postby norm807 on Thu Apr 08, 2010 5:49 pm

Ok.. I am moving from my blackberry to Android(htc incredible) as soon as it comes out.. I love podtrapper.. I will miss it greatly.. Please don't let this fall too far to the way side as you have a great product, which once on Android I think will be a big hit all over again. I would gladly pay for it again..


Re: Android

New postby marwatk on Fri Apr 09, 2010 8:00 pm

Heh, the reason there haven't been any betas are releases for a while is the code is all sorts of torn apart for the android port. The two platforms are more different than I originally thought in how they handle fundamental concepts, so I'm having to re-engineer way more than I thought I would to maintain a single code base. Hopefully soon :)

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Re: Android

New postby skelzer on Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:02 pm

sweet.... no new bberry betas is a good thing! well, at least not until we get our Android beta ;)

Re: Android

New postby whistleli on Mon May 03, 2010 9:24 am

any timeline for the android podtrapper? I missed the podtrapper very much :D
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Re: Android

New postby jmdearras on Sat May 08, 2010 12:02 pm

Yes, please keep us posted. I have spent a frustrating few days trying all the major podcast apps for the Incredible, and none come close.
I just left my BB Tour for the Incredible, I was a paid Podtrapper user on the tour, and will gladly pay again for the andriod version.

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Re: Android

New postby EndingPop on Sat May 08, 2010 12:06 pm

It's very likely that when I'm up for good pricing on a new phone that it'll be an Android phone. That's not for a year, but please let's get PT over to Android before then! I'm currently becoming enamored with HoneyDew and Versatool as well, so hopefully those follow down the line as well.
Motorola Droid X2 running Android 2.2.2 on Verizon

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Re: Android

New postby Fonedoc on Mon May 10, 2010 1:24 pm

I started this thread and since then I've used them all and they are ALL the same..meaning they are no PodTrapper!

So I'm still waiting.. hope you get it going soon Mark! Thanks for your work and hope you have success with the coding. I think Podtrapper is worth the wait.

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Re: Android

New postby BrewerBC on Tue May 11, 2010 4:52 pm

Fonedoc wrote:I started this thread and since then I've used them all and they are ALL the same..meaning they are no PodTrapper!

So I'm still waiting.. hope you get it going soon Mark! Thanks for your work and hope you have success with the coding. I think Podtrapper is worth the wait.


I love Podtrapper
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Re: Android

New postby Oldmuttonhead on Thu May 13, 2010 7:56 pm

I just got an Incredible after pitching my Storm. The ONLY thing I miss is PodTrapper. I would certainly buy again for my new phone! All the podcast apps for Android are terrible.

Re: Android

New postby Guest on Mon Jun 07, 2010 1:40 pm

I love Podtrapper for my BB and can't wait to get my Incredible. So I really hope to be able to put the two together! Thanks for the work on this, and it really would be worth 2x the money.

Re: Android

New postby George Orwell on Fri Jun 11, 2010 11:47 am

Have you tried Google Listen? I don't like it, but it is useable. I just bought a Nexus One (great phone), but the application I really miss is PodTrapper. I know it's really hard coding for the Droid phones considering how many different versions of the OS are out there. It looks like most phones will be at 2.1 by the end of the year. That's the version I'm on, so I think you should code that first. :D
George Orwell

Re: Android

New postby ScanAmerica on Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:16 pm

I've been using Doggcatcher on my Nexus One for a month or so and find it does a pretty good job. It's not as good as PodTrapper but it'll get me by until PodTrapper is available. The feature I miss most is the automatic playlists.
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Re: Android

New postby mtcachers on Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:16 am

There is an Alpha version of Podtrapper for Android in the Announcements section!!! :D :D :D
PodTrapper 2.9.8
Verizon Tour 9630 ( Hybrid)
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Re: Android

New postby marwatk on Fri Jul 02, 2010 8:53 am

Have you tried it out? Any issues? (There seems to be one with the duration not working properly in all cases)

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Re: Android

New postby a18cline on Sun Jul 25, 2010 5:19 pm

Can't seem to find a way to delete a podcast when I'm done listening, I don't want an automatic delete because some I want to save. Marcus thank you soooooo much for doing this, I almost cried when I checked on this app to see if it was ready for use yet :D
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Re: Android

New postby marwatk on Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:51 am

a18cline wrote:Can't seem to find a way to delete a podcast when I'm done listening, I don't want an automatic delete because some I want to save

You can click and hold on an episode and 'Delete Episode' should be one of the options. Alternatively, you can go into that episode, and it should be in the normal menu there? (I think?) Let me know...

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Re: Android

New postby jadecamaro on Wed Jul 28, 2010 6:06 pm

Holy crap I came to the forums tonight to beg bribe and plead with Marcus to get PT to android. I switched from the Tour to Droid X and the Android selection of podcasting apps are absolute JUNK in comparison to PT on Blackberry. I already bought the best android podcasting app DoggCatcher, and it has it's nice features but is nowhere near as polished and full featured as Podtrapper was. I have been going through withdraw from PT for a couple of weeks now and to come here and not only find out it was already being discussed but there is an alpha to try. I will be downloading this ASAP, and I suggest Marcus you get on this because you frankly designed one of the best apps IMO I ran on my blackberry. Despite blackberry's ancient interface and coding you made a damn fine app, and I can't wait to see what you can do with Podtrapper in Android. You can tap into the increase of people owning android devices currently due to Verizon's releasing of many high-end android phones. Once the community here helps work out alpha/beta bugs, put PT up on the android market and state right in the info "renowned best podcast app from the Blackberry now comes to Android" and I am sure many of us here will be buying right away :D
I alone will most likely be buying two, one for myself and one for my girlfriend's new Droid X that won't ship 'till August.

BTW when I was looking for reviews and information on android's selection of pod apps... None that I saw had PC desktop downloaders. Might not be a big deal to some but is one more feature PT has over others.
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Re: Android

New postby marwatk on Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:12 am


Though I'm not 100% sure the desktop downloader is going to be immediately possible. I think it's doable, but requires a lot of work. Definitely something I'll be investigating, but may not make the first release.

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Re: Android

New postby razholio on Thu Aug 05, 2010 6:06 pm

marwatk wrote:Thanks!

Though I'm not 100% sure the desktop downloader is going to be immediately possible. I think it's doable, but requires a lot of work. Definitely something I'll be investigating, but may not make the first release.


no, thank YOU. I recently jumped ship from my bold9700 to the sammy craptivate (GPS issues) and the only thing I miss (and horribly so) is PT! Gotta be one of the best (perhaps the best) app I've ever used. I would not only purchase the android version again, but I'll also gladly pick up a second copy for a friend of mine who is struggling with google listen. I would not worry about the desktop downloader. I don't know anyone who doesn't have their PT setup to download overnight on WiFi.

Re: Android

New postby R3DH3AD on Fri Aug 13, 2010 6:24 am

You have made my day when I saw this for android. I will be glad to buy this when it comes out. Used it on Blackberry and will defiantly support it again.

Re: Android

New postby czervick on Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:51 pm

Yo Marcus, any update?? Man, I read this thread and I swear it says everything i have felt since switching to my Droid Incredible. PT was the best app I have come across, and it is KILLING me that I can't podcast for crap now! I listen to 2-3 podcast daily and the app I currently use is junk! SAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Android

New postby czervick on Mon Aug 30, 2010 9:06 pm

HELLOOOOOO!!!!! Sorry!!! I actually took the time to look for the Droid download in the forums and I don't care if it works or not, I am PSYCHED to have been able to download PT to my Droid!!! Screw my fantasy draft tomorrow, I will be busy running this app!!! Yes, I am a nerd. Thank you Marcus! Again, the best developer in the game!!! p.s. you could make it a bit easier to find! link it to your homepage or something maybe??

Re: Android

New postby marwatk on Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:02 am

:) Thanks! Definitely going to make it easier to find. With the latest update (to fix the closing when in background) I think I'm getting pretty much done, so it'll be marked on my homepage and put in the market soon.

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Re: Android

New postby Acfarrey on Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:38 pm


I am one of the many BB => Android converts that is very thankful that you ported Podtrapper. When I made the switch, I tried several of the horrible options in the Marketplace and found no suitable replacements. Thankfully I found a forum posting that talked about your Android release. I have been using it almost daily for the last 3 weeks and think you have done a great job on the new version.

My question is that my 30 day trial ends next week. When do you expect to be selling the Android version? I hope that it is soon... I don't want to be without and have no reservations about purchasing this app again on the Android platform.



Re: Android

New postby marwatk on Thu Sep 02, 2010 5:38 pm

Hi Aaron,

Your BB reg code should still work. For others I should have it officially released on Android this weekend.

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Re: Android

New postby Patrick on Tue Sep 21, 2010 8:34 pm

THANK YOU!!! I recently switched over to android and was really missing PodTrapper from my blackberry. There are lots of podcatchers available for android, but none of them have all the versatility of PodTrapper. My previous reg code from blackberry worked for the android. :D

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