Import and export?

Import and export?

New postby just2043 on Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:11 am

Just wondering what the import and export options are for? Wrote up a review for this app and posted it in both The BlackBerry Zone application forum and the Crackberry Community reviews forums. Love the app. It was once again just what I was searching for. Keep up the good work.

P.S. Loved you on the Crackberry Podcast!! Perhaps you should be a regular on there. :)
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Re: Import and export?

New postby marwatk on Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:56 pm

Thanks! I'm glad people are liking it.

Eventually there will be popups for the import/export windows.

For import you can paste in any text. Each line becomes a category or item depending on whether it starts with whitespace or not. Any items left justified will go in as a category, and any that begin with whitespace will be items under the previous category, for example:

Code: Select all
   Item 2
Category Number 2
   Item 3
   Item 4

Any amount or type of whitespace to begin a line will trigger it to be treated like an item (tabs or spaces).

Export works exactly opposite, and will dump the results into a blank email so you can send it wherever you want (including yourself).

Hope this helps, let me know if there's some other functionality that would make it more useful. I imagine I'll hide these in the settings screen for the real release.

Versatile Monkey
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Re: Import and export?

New postby cadzilla74 on Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:50 am

Ditto on your Crackberry Podcast appearance ... enjoyed listening to your contribution to the show.
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Re: Import and export?

New postby marwatk on Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:50 pm

Thanks! That was a lot of fun to do. I still haven't figured out how they get devices so early, heh.

Versatile Monkey
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Re: Import and export?

New postby Journey on Sun Jul 25, 2010 1:55 pm

I just installed this hoping for an import option (described in the help docs) but don't see how to do it.

Re: Import and export?

New postby marwatk on Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:53 am

Hi there,

Check out this page, it should help: ... ort/Export

Let me know if not.

Versatile Monkey
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