I just finished pushing out PodTrapper 2.5.0 to all of the various retailers (including here at VersatileMonkey.com).
For those of you that have been keeping up with the betas, nothing has changed since the last beta, but for those that haven't there's quite a few changes. (See the end of this message for the complete list).
Your PodTrapper will alert you when it checks for updates next, but if you don't want to wait grab it here:
Thanks for using PodTrapper, and stay tuned for version 2.5.1 which I'm sure I'll be releasing in a matter of hours after people start seeing issues

Major New Features:
# Podcast recommendation engine (Add Podcasts->Recommendations)
# Setting to run PodTrapper on Startup
# Configurable rewind after unpausing
# Ability to save files to your SD card with reasonable names (Save As.. in episode viewer)
# Sleep timer (started via the Settings Screen)
# Ability to specify day and time for weekly updates
# Named bookmark support (now you can tag places in a podcast that you want to remember).
Minor New Features
# Minor New Features:
# Setting to impersonate iTunes for podcasts that serve different content to different clients
# "Don't show this again" box for the IT Policy warning during start up
# Mark Listened menu item
# Customizable download order per-podcast
# Sort and view settings are now podcast-specific
# Ability to rename a podcast
# Keyboard shortcut for downloading episode also updates podcast 'G' when podcast is highlighted
# Global menu item to return to PodTrapper when playing
# Default podcast icon for podcasts without their own icons
# Configurable battery low level
# BB Profiles item for notification when episode download finishes
# Delete after listening now podcast specific setting
# Desktop downloader now tells you when it's finished
# Add config option to continually set preferred output method
# Add 'select output' to playlist screen
# Don't automatically resume podcasts after calls longer than 5 minutes
# Make the >| key configurable to do Play Next, Play Next (Delete), etc
# Allow kb setting for 'Pause only'
# Added more miscellaneous settings to the seek keys (play next, etc)
# Regular non-podcast media files now sortable
# Add an 'advanced' view that shows the old stats in a format like '3R 4L 3DLing 4NoDl'
# Indication of what download mechanism is in use (icon in header)
# 'Download more after deleting' is now a podcast specific setting
# Disable downloading while listening setting to compensate for bad SD cards
# Skip to end for convenience key
# kb shortcut for moving to next item in playlist (via convenience key)
# More options for assigning to convenience keys
Bug fixes:
# Always bring PodTrapper to the front on resume if video is playing
# Fixed: Episodes not deleted if last item in playlist
# Handle more places to get the description of an episode
# Display the description in place of the subtitle if there's no subtitle
# Exiting out of the add/sort dialog should prompt to save sort settings
# Fixed delay when switching to next episode in a playlist
# Fixed 'show in BBMP' showing up in two settings screens
# Fixed issue with podcast download alert happening on deletion
# USB Connection should now resume properly after upon restart after PodTrapper crashes
# Downloads in permanent limbo will now fail themselves after 5 attempts
# Delete after listening doesn't show up in apply to podcasts
# Errant thumbnails could crash podtrapper
# Fixed issue with audio output methods preventing playback if correct method wasn't connected
# Fixed issue where playlist wouldn't always save properly
# Fixed issue where connecting to usb wouldn't always update podcasts
# Fixed issue with delete after listening not working
# Don't allow setting of storage folder that isn't writable
# Replace itpc:// with http://
# Press and hold of mute key will no longer trigger play/pause
# Set output method after resume from pause
# Display old PIN on settings screen like in HoneyDew
# Added 'Fix Player' menu item on playback screen that will attempt to rebuild a player seeked to proper position
# Resuming from pause will now attempt a fresh restart before it reports an error if it fails to simply resume
# Prevent missing media from updating duration
# Fixed broken desktop backup
# Fixed language issue with turkish encoding
# Disabled OPML import to counter email issues
# Make a way to delete (similar to alt+del) for storm on playlist screen
# Trim trailing spaces off of the urls
# Auto-detect backups if we come up and don't have settings
# Allow changing reg code even if valid (for switching to new style code)
# Fixed issue where mute key would still pause even if not configured to do so when PT had focus
# Fixed errant warning about using internal memory
# Attempt at overcoming the issues with duration updates deleting podcasts (when there are issues reading SD card)
# Fixed slow episode deletion
# Make status bar messages clearer
# Lock progress bar and playback controls so they don't scroll
# Minimum font size doesn't work properly for large sizes
# Add episodes should sort even if no episodes were added
# Don't disable play button if we have a partial file
# Adjusted download thread priority
# When going to New Podcast Settings pop a help box about this only affecting new podcasts
# Manually updating podcasts are occasionally updating
# Setting to not pause videos when focus lost
# Delete confirmation keyboard shortcuts don't work
# Make delete confirmations use same shortcuts as BB delete (D)elete and (C)ancel
# Delete prior should either not delete preserved or prompt
# Playlists aren't being redrawn after deletions
# Fixed errant watchdog warnings
# Fix storm backlight bug