Hi guys,
I took a sidetrack from other stuff (cross-platform honeydew, podtrapper fixes, versatool fixes, etc) to make an RSS reader. I couldn't find a decent Viigo replacement for OS6 and was dying without it, so I wrote one. It's not 100% done yet, but I've been using it and it works pretty well, so I figured I'd get it published. Note that I haven't fixed any other VersaTool OS 6 bugs yet, that's next on my todo list.
Also worth noting that this is an OS 5.0+ feature only (it uses an SD card database so as not to consume memory storing articles, which is only available on 5.0 and later).
Someone mentioned having Google reader syncing and such, but I wasn't sure what they meant or how far they'd like that to go. If they want to let me know I'll be happy to look into it. Right now it's SUPER simple. The feed browser is very sparse as well, let me know via a post here any feeds you'd like me to add urgently and I'll get them out there. Some time later I'll grab some feeds and organize them. Right now I just emailed a list of my feeds to myself. It would be super simple to have just the feed list sync with Google, so maybe I'll do that.
Grab it here.