Version 1.6.0 PreReleased!

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Version 1.6.0 PreReleased!

New postby marwatk on Sun Jan 11, 2009 7:01 pm

Hi all,

Version 1.6.0 has made it to pre-release. If there aren't any showstopping bugs discovered in it I'll move it to real release on Monday or Tuesday.
Download it here:

I didn't get as much done as I had hoped, but the main features are resuming after notifications and video support.

Here's the complete list of changes and fixes:
  • Beginning of new look, what do you think? (I realize that the podcast thumbnails don't resize well, I have to work on that)
  • Lots of updates to the browser, more podcasts and images
  • When listening to a podcast and an email comes in and the audio pauses, sometimes - not always - when I press play the progress bar will reset back to 0 and the audio will not play. The only way to play any audio again is to exit the app, and then I have to skip forward to where I was when it stopped.
  • Still have issue with it not resuming after email notifications
  • Initital state when loaded should be user initiated stop, not waiting for resume
  • Media files display in media player when not supposed to (to correct old issues with this you may need to toggle the settings screen setting, save, then re-set it to what you want it to be and save it again)
  • Prevent/warn about 'system' folder use
  • I am listening to several things in the playlist and have the volume set to where I want it when the next item starts it goes back to the preset audio level. (via email)
  • Add crackberry podcast to browser (and many more)
  • When playing a video podcast keep the screen visible
  • Storm doesn't have a keyboard for unlocking the screen forum post
  • Volume issue still not fixed on storm (let me know again) forum post
  • Fixed issue where setting a podcast to 'Manual only' for updates would instead check every 5 minutes (how's *that* for manual only?)
  • On my Storm, I have two of my three podcasts set to auto-download "0" episodes, but whenever I start up Podtrapper, it starts downloading episodes from these podcasts forum post
  • PodTrapper will now display a proper error message on most playback issues describing the cause
  • Update alert only triggers on versions numerically greater (for those using a beta, they may have noticed that the check only checked for a different version, not necessarily greater)
  • Added advanced settings for disabling individual download mechanisms for those with providers that report success when it's not really success (WAP and AT&T was the case we noticed)
  • Connecting to desktop downloader doesn't force an update check

Also, big thanks to Callin for giving me ideas on icons for Podtrapper. I'll be making a post later to explain them, and ask for comments on how I should do the numbers (it doesn't look right yet).

Versatile Monkey
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Re: Version 1.6.0 PreReleased!

New postby drmrbrewer on Mon Jan 12, 2009 3:56 am

This version just causes my BB Bold to lock up, requiring a re-boot. It gets as far as the "application permissions not right" screen, then whatever I reply to that, everything locks up.

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Re: Version 1.6.0 PreReleased!

New postby whitlecj on Mon Jan 12, 2009 3:00 pm

It does the same with my bold. I have not even been able to successfully run 1.5.11 or any other version. I try to set the permissions as directed and hit save and it just keeps saying it needs to modify the permissions???

Re: Version 1.6.0 PreReleased!

New postby drmrbrewer on Mon Jan 12, 2009 4:06 pm

Previous version was fine for me. This version completely locks everything up.

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Re: Version 1.6.0 PreReleased!

New postby marwatk on Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:00 pm

I released version 1.6.1, which should fix the issues some were having running it.

Can you try this version (1.6.1) and see if you still have the same issue? If so, can you report where the start up screen craps out at?

Versatile Monkey
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Re: Version 1.6.0 PreReleased!

New postby drmrbrewer on Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:52 am

Thanks... 1.6.1 fixes the issue. I can now load podtrapper again ;-)

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Re: Version 1.6.0 PreReleased!

New postby drmrbrewer on Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:01 am

P.S. I like the look, and the new podcast thumbnails. As you admit, they don't resize awfully well, particularly where text is included, but it's a nice addition.

I can't figure out what the numbers represent on the front page listing. E.g. I have one podcast which has 6 episodes listed, none of which have been downloaded (so they all have the up/down arrow graphic). However, on the front page listing for this podcast, there is:

" 4 2"

(with blank space at left, then 4, then space, then 2; both numbers have the up/down arrown background)

I have another with a "1" at the start, with a "&*" background, but in reality there are 9 episodes that are downloaded and not yet listened to for that podcast.

What are those numbers? Are they showing incorrectly at the moment?

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Re: Version 1.6.0 PreReleased!

New postby ahagenmaier on Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:23 am

I also a little confused with the icons and meanings.

Also it seems like it is now downloading the oldest episodes first.
I just added the Dilbert video podcast which did the oldest ones first.
On an podcast that was on before the upgrade, I see new ones and then I think it downloaded really old ones.

And on at least one podcast it downloaded the same episode twice (once before the upgrade and once after).

Everything else seems fine - keep the updates coming!!

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Re: Version 1.6.0 PreReleased!

New postby marwatk on Tue Jan 13, 2009 7:29 pm

I fixed the numbering issue on Storms and Bolds in 1.6.2, it was a simple font issue (second digit missing). The number to download has also been fixed. (It was inverted, downloading exactly what it shouldn't).

For the icons, here are the meanings (Mike figured it out):


Versatile Monkey
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