"Keep this" Feature Suggestion

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"Keep this" Feature Suggestion

New postby jastop on Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:09 am

This weekend I found myself looking through the application for a “keep this” option. I could not find one, so I am wondering if it would be a worthwhile feature suggestion.

I have a similar option on my DVR and I use it all the time. “Keep this” prevents any specific item from being automatically removed to make room for a newer item. On my DVR there are two flavors of “keep this”. The first would is “Keep until disk full”, it prevents deletion until there is absolutely no disk space left for new content. The second option my DVR has is “Keep until deleted”, selecting it keeps the episode until a person manually deletes it. I can think of a third option that might also be useful. When selected it would move the content to the user’s device media library and remove it from PodTrapper’s list of content.

Thanks again for the hard work on this application!
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Re: "Keep this" Feature Suggestion

New postby marwatk on Mon Mar 16, 2009 2:49 pm

Hi jastop,

That's actually been on my todo list for a while, I just haven't gotten around to it. I'll definitely be adding it at some point, though.

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Re: "Keep this" Feature Suggestion

New postby jastop on Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:04 pm


I'll keep watching for it. Thanks again.
Posts: 11
Joined: Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:24 am

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