Skip malfunction

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Skip malfunction

New postby charliehversatile on Wed Jul 15, 2009 6:41 am

Blackberry Bold. Bill Moyers Journal Jul 10, 2009, "Profits before Patients".

|< works correctly

>> >>> and >| all do the same thing. They all take you to the last 20 sec of the podcast.

Current time says 0:03,
Remaining says 48:35
Total says 48:44

So basically there is no way to navigate the podcast. You can either listen to the beginning or the end.

Re: Skip malfunction

New postby marwatk on Wed Jul 15, 2009 7:17 pm

Hi there,

Can you try playing the episode in the BBMP (via the 'Play in BBMP' menu item) and see if you get similar behavior with respect to seeking?

My guess is it's going to be either a file corruption issue (which we can test by having you download the file to your PC and transfer it to your SD card) or an encoding issue (which we can't fix).

Let me know.

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