My downloaded podcasts are gone

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My downloaded podcasts are gone

New postby leebryan on Fri May 29, 2009 6:51 am

When I loaded Podtrapper this morning (I reboot my Bold every morning, just to clear memory), it gave me a message about 'Moving podcasts' and went through the process for about 60 seconds. Now I'm in Podtrapper, all my podcasts look like they're there, they say "1 Ready", etc. I click on the Podcast, it shows it's there, I click play, and get "Error playing, file was not found (need to redownload?...) It's that way on all my podcasts. I checked Settings, Storage Settings, my storage folder is set to SDCard/BlackBerry/podtrapper which looks right to me, and where my podcasts have always been stored. When I browse to that folder, it's empty except for a PT_B_2.0.10.dat.txt file

So did Podtrapper move my podcasts or delete them?
I'm on a Bold running os .266, podtrapper version 2.0.10

I tried reinstalling 2.0.10, and I did a battery pull, same results. I was listening to Podcasts as recently as last evening, no problems. I do have it set to download new ones overnight, and it looks like it did, from the dates on the podcasts that look like they're there but don't play.

Happy to email any logs if needed.

Great product, I've loved it.
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Re: My downloaded podcasts are gone

New postby marwatk on Fri May 29, 2009 7:24 pm

Hi there. It sounds like the folder move thing was triggered somehow (not sure how, I'd definitely be interested in hearing if you have an idea).

Should be easy to fix, though. Try to find files like PT_B_* on your SD card. That'll be where PT moved your files to. You can use the 'change storage directory' in the storage settings screen to point PT at the new location, which should sync it up again. After that you can move it again if you want to put it back in it's original location. Let me know if that doesn't work for you.

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Re: My downloaded podcasts are gone

New postby leebryan on Wed Jun 03, 2009 6:26 am

I'm pretty sure it might have been related to this:
I was running 2.0.10 at the time. Earlier last week, I downgraded to 2.0, because I couldn't live with the FF/Rewind problem at 2.0.10 (it boots my Bold, and is discussed in another thread). I didn't even know if downgrading was 'allowed', but did it anyway, and when I did, it deleted all my podcasts (gave me the message about 'moving files'). It not only deleted the downloaded podcasts, it deleted everything, even the podcast 'master'. So I went back to 2.0.10 and rebuilt all my podcasts, updated them all, and was pretty much running normal again (except for the FF/Rewind problem) for a couple of days. Then one morning I loaded Podtrapper and got the 'moving files' message and they were gone, but only the podcasts themselves. I did a search of my card for the PT type files and they weren't anywhere. So I went through all my podcasts (they still said '7 Ready', for instance) and manually redownloaded the ones I wanted. I've been running fine since then.

I upgraded to 2.10 over the weekend and am still running fine, except I did a Rewind yesterday and my Bold rebooted. Hate that. I'm running and am happy to send you anything to help fix that problem, it's a biggie to me.

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Re: My downloaded podcasts are gone

New postby marwatk on Wed Jun 03, 2009 4:48 pm

Unfortunately it's an OS thing specific to Bold+266. Hopefully they put out a fix soon.

I tried to put a workaround in place but it appears it's not helping :(

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Re: My downloaded podcasts are gone

New postby ax201 on Sat Jul 11, 2009 3:03 pm

marwatk wrote:Unfortunately it's an OS thing specific to Bold+266. Hopefully they put out a fix soon.

I tried to put a workaround in place but it appears it's not helping :(



I seem to have had a similar but not identical problem - my Bold is v4.6.0.221. Having had my BB replaced due to a faulty trackball, I reloaded the PT trial and although all my podcasts were still on the memory card, they didn't show. When you sent me the replacement key I upgraded to 2.1.4, but still no show for the old podcasts on the memory card. I changed the storage directory (actually the same, default, location but I went through the procedure) and the 'moving files' message appeared. However, it actually deleted all the old files. Those downloaded while I was on the free trial for a day still showed in PT but when clicked they come up with 'Error playing, file was not found (need to redownload?)' New podcasts now appear to download and play without problems.
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Re: My downloaded podcasts are gone

New postby marwatk on Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:46 pm

Hi ax201,

If moving devices you're probably looking at a situation where PT doesn't have any record of anything. You should be able to restore from backup, though: ... r_settings

This will only work, though, if the files from the move are still intact (it sounds like that may not be the case).

Versatile Monkey
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