New podcasts down loading old episodes

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New podcasts down loading old episodes

New postby rlegan on Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:02 am


I'm sure this is user error, but I had added some podcasts that have hundreds of old episodes. I am keeping only 1 episode and auto-downloading 1 episode with download order of New episodes, Newest first.

My problem is every time that I update the podcast after deleting the episode that I previously downloaded and if there isn't a newer episode available in the RSS feed, it will download an old episode (the newest of the un-listened). I think it is doing what it says it's suppose to do. However, I don't want any of the old episodes. Is there a way to mark a podcast as "caught up", meaning I do now want any of the existing episodes downloaded?

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Re: New podcasts down loading old episodes

New postby MrFun on Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:07 pm

Go to "podcast settings" and select "no" on "Download more episodes after deleting"
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