BB Storm - 2.9.11 a couple of minor things

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BB Storm - 2.9.11 a couple of minor things

New postby cadzilla74 on Sat Aug 14, 2010 7:30 pm

BB Storm 1 OS 5.0.419 ... PT 2.6.9 worked fine for a long time but I decided to update to newer version. I know 2.9.10 had its problems and Marcus already addressed the major ones.

I've still got 2 issues with 2.9.11.

Settings > Storage Settings I've set to Max Episodes to read from feed to 50. I had to manually add my podcasts back after all the trouble I had with 2.9.10. Some of them have hundreds of episodes retained on their host servers and PT loaded ALL of them up into the download queue totally ignoring the 50 feed limit.

Once all these episodes were queued up I tried to do a Delete Below command to get rid of all but the ones I hadn't listened to already and PT repeatedly crashed trying to remove them. It would delete maybe 35 - 60 items and then crash with a "PodTrapper has stopped responding" error. I then had to restart PT and "lather, rinse, repeat" until all the unwanted items were gone.

I'm going to try to Add a couple of new Podcasts tonight that I have never accessed before and I'll see if the 50 Max Feeds limit fails again.
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Re: BB Storm - 2.9.11 a couple of minor things

New postby marwatk on Mon Aug 16, 2010 4:06 pm

Thanks, both of these are fixed in .12 going out as soon as I get through all of my email and make sure nothing else glaring is in there.

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