Screenshot with changed font in OS 6

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Screenshot with changed font in OS 6

Postby underwarez on Tue May 31, 2011 2:44 pm

Can someone please post a screenshot of PodTrapper with the font changed?

I tried the app for 30 days but just tested features for my use. Now that I'm desperately in need of a podcast app for my BB 9700, I'm now reconsidering PodTrapper. My only problem with the app is that the default font is hideous (see screenshots on the website).

Today, I was googling and found a link stating you can change the font of PodTrapper, but I can't test since my trial is over. So can someone please put up screenshots.

I'm very picky about having de-uglified app, if I see a good looking interface, I'll buy PT ASAP.
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Re: Screenshot with changed font in OS 6

Postby marwatk on Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:51 pm

Ah, that get's a lot of people. PT will use the system font. On my old curve (where those shots were taken) I used the casual font because it was the smallest available font so I could read the most at a time.

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