Convenience key and Search Popup

Convenience key and Search Popup

New postby stew72 on Fri Feb 05, 2010 6:56 am

I'm not quite sure why this was doing this. I tried yesterday to assign to convenience keys on the left (dbl press) to launch my VTools alarms and right (press and hold) to launch video recorder. Neither one worked, which I believe was a known issue. Those were the only convenience keys I set. However this morning I checked my BB for and SMS message. After hitting the end key the search popup appeared for Google and Wikipedia. I tried canceling to no avail. I was able to search, but not close it out. The search box remained on my screen. At that point I couldn't do anything else. Whatever other screen I tried to switch to the search remained present. I performed a battery pull, but as soon as it rebooted and I used the end key, the search reappeared. Did another battery pull, once up I tried checking messages, end key and search reappeared. At this point I didn't know if I could answer any received calls as I couldn't do anything else with this up. So I did another battery pull and uninstalled the app. I have a Curve 8330 with OS 4.5.0 on it.
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Re: Convenience key and Search Popup

New postby marwatk on Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:48 am

Hi stew72,

Sorry about that, it's a menu assigned to the 'End key on home screen' in the really convenient key settings by default. There were some bugs in it, but they should be fixed in 0.1.4 if you want to give it a shot. (Or you can disable that menu entirely by deleting the setting in really convenient keys).

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Re: Convenience key and Search Popup

New postby stew72 on Fri Feb 05, 2010 1:38 pm

Thanks, I'll give it a go again. Like having all the features in a one stop shop app.
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Feb 04, 2010 12:17 pm

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