Multiple PINs and pricing

Multiple PINs and pricing

New postby cadzilla74 on Thu Aug 06, 2009 12:32 pm

So how do you plan on charging for this? By device? Are you planning on making it possible to add multiple PINs as contacts?

Say I want a HoneyDew with my wife's BB and my Mom's BB ... I don't see any way of doing that right now short of manually changing the PIN in Settings Menu every time. That would be clumsy at best. I assume every device would need to have their own purchase ID? In other words, I can't buy a copy of HoneyDew and sync with another BB unless they also buy a copy? If that is the case then the price-point should be around $1.99 per copy. I really think there's a severe limitation to marketability unless I can choose from a list of entered PINs and the price is kept reasonable.

It does work as promised. I'm running it on my Storm and my wife's BB 8703e and the Sync is almost instantaneous. I found the controls to be a bit more intuitive on her BB. The Storm interface confused me a bit at first. I created a new item and category but didn't realize I needed to press the screen to save the entry. I kept trying to do it through the BB Button and it would get dumped. I eventually figured it all out and now it is simple but it was a bit odd at first.

We'll test it out over the next couple of weeks and see how often we use it ... that will be the ultimate test and should help determine a fair price. Good luck with this app Marcus. It definitely does what it is supposed to, now to see if it grows on us and becomes a must-have ... talk to ya soon.
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Re: Multiple PINs and pricing

New postby marwatk on Fri Aug 07, 2009 5:42 pm

Well, pricing is tricky. I wanted to only charge $0.99 per phone, but the app world's price floor of $2.99 makes that difficult. What I'm thinking is that I'll sell it for $1.50 per copy everywhere else and $2.99 on the App World, but if buy from the App World you get 2 licenses. Basically that means wherever you buy it it's $3 combined for you and your sync partner. I'm definitely open to suggestions here, though.

Right now the whole set of lists is completely synced with your sync partner. I had originally planned to allow for syncing different lists with different people, but with the target audience of this app it got too complicated, I think. I may extend it later via an 'Advanced' mode or similar, but for now I wanted to keep it simple and see what the response was.

Thanks for the feedback using the storm, I'll add a button on touch screens to complete the item.

Definitely let me know if you think of anything else and how you like it.

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Re: Multiple PINs and pricing

New postby cadzilla74 on Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:59 am

This is getting more popular withy my wife and me the more we use it. I think your pricing idea is a good one.

I'm guessing the Advanced setting in future would allow swapping PINs on the fly? Can you get it to maintain a list of PIN partners and bring up different content (groups and lists) for each one? That would make this a killer app.

I'm thinking along the lines of the way RDM+ works ... I have the client installed on several PCs and each one has a distinct ID number on my Storm. As i switch from controlling one PC to another I hit the Back button to get to the Main Menu and then click on the Computers icon which brings up my list of potential clients. By choosing a new client ID (aka PIN) it effectively ends the conversation with the previous one.

It would be great if you had something like that, where selecting a new PIN is akin to ending a BB Messenger convo and starting a new one and maintaining a separate Group/List file associated with each PIN.
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Re: Multiple PINs and pricing

New postby ylexot on Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:37 am

That would be pretty neat. Then I could maintain shopping lists with my fiance and a task list with my coworker.
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Re: Multiple PINs and pricing

New postby marwatk on Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:49 pm

This is close to how I'll end up implementing it I believe. I have a few more issues to work out, but there will eventually be some concept of different sync partners. (I'm actually in the process of setting up a Mac right now so I can port it to iPhone so that you can share lists across phone platforms, too).

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Re: Multiple PINs and pricing

New postby cadzilla74 on Wed Aug 12, 2009 12:32 am

marwatk wrote:This is close to how I'll end up implementing it I believe. I have a few more issues to work out, but there will eventually be some concept of different sync partners. (I'm actually in the process of setting up a Mac right now so I can port it to iPhone so that you can share lists across phone platforms, too).


Wow, cross-platform would really open some great markets for you and some really high-traffic use of HoneyDew for me! Glad to hear the final version will include a multi-contact implementation.

Imagine, an app that brings iPhone and Storm users together ... <sigh> ... you planning on bringing peace to the Middle East next?
<HTC Thunderbolt/Gingerbread and Motorola Droid 3/Gingerbread - Verizon - PodTrapper 3.0.21> - <HoneyDew 2.0.6 HTC Thunderbolt/Motorola Droid 3>
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Re: Multiple PINs and pricing

New postby marwatk on Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:19 pm

cadzilla74 wrote:you planning on bringing peace to the Middle East next?

There's an app for that.


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