by cadzilla74 on Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:06 pm
First thing on my new Thunderbolt was PodTrapper. Secong thing was to update HoneyDew on my wife's BB Bold and load it on my new phone.
Thanks for the free year, Marcus! We'll be happy to pay the small fee when the time comes to be able to keep using this great app. Hopefully you can add a "Manual Push or Push Now" button in a future release. I, like others here, have a tendency to shop in a different part of the store than my wife sometimes. Being able to see we've gotten everything on our list before hitting the checkout is really the best part of HonewDew for us
<HTC Thunderbolt/Gingerbread and Motorola Droid 3/Gingerbread - Verizon - PodTrapper 3.0.21> - <HoneyDew 2.0.6 HTC Thunderbolt/Motorola Droid 3>