So my wife finally found out the impact limit of her Blackberry. They overnighted her a new one. She then went into clueless mode and handed it to me to restore everything to her new one.
Even with good backups that I insisted on, getting her new BB up to speed was a major pain. Especially with 3rd party apps.
The only shining star in the darkness was Honeydew which took all of 5 minutes to switch to a new PIN. I put her new PIN in my Storm. Downloaded Honeydew 1.19 to her new BB. Went to web page and deleted old license number for old PIN and got a new license for new PIN. Put new license number in new BB. Hit manual update. Done. Instant synch and we are back in business with Honeydew.
Marcus, I have no idea why other app developers put their purchasers through so many useless frigging hoops, like making you e-mail them for a new registration code and then waiting 48 hours for the new PIN to be accepted, or they get it wrong and disable MY PIN and activate the old BB and the new one which means another round of e-mails explaining how they screwed up.
Seriously man. Your way of web-based remove old PIN, add new PIN, get new license is so trouble free you should patent it.
Thanks as always from a loyal PodTrapper and HoneyDew customer.