HoneyDew Sync Troubleshooting

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Revision as of 17:12, 3 October 2009 by Marwatk (Talk | contribs)
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If you're having trouble syncing, there are few things to check.

1. HoneyDew requires that an email address be configured on each phone.

It doesn't matter if you use it, or get email to it, or anything other than it's configured. HoneyDew will never actually use the email account, but HoneyDew can't access the folder system for receiving PIN messages if there's not an account configured.

2. Make sure PIN messages aren't blocked by your BB firewall

This can be configured in the Security/Firewall section of the main BlackBerry settings.

3. Make sure the PINs are configured in HoneyDew's settings screen

Each partner should have the other phone's PIN listed in it's settings.

If these fail to fix your problem, try grabbing a copy of the latest beta: http://ota.versatilemonkey.com/honeydewbeta/

It has features that will try to tell you what's wrong with the sync. (When it first starts up after a reboot, it will display a message that a sync has occurred, but clicking the details on it will display information about why a sync did not occur).

Finally, if all else fails, contact me via the 'Email Developer' menu item inside HoneyDew.

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