HoneyDew How Syncing Works

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When does it sync?

HoneyDew attempts to be smart about when it sends a sync message. This means that it can sometimes appear that it's not syncing when it should. Here's what's going on:

If you haven't been in HoneyDew for a while and you go in and make a change (or many changes), HoneyDew will send a sync message immediately after you exit the app (note that hitting the red 'Call end' button does not exit, by design).

If you then go back in to HoneyDew and make another update, but it's within a certain threshold (currently set to 1 hour), this time when you exit HoneyDew sets a timer for 5 minutes in the future. If you go back and make another update before the timer elapses the timer is reset. Finally, after 5 minutes of no further updates HoneyDew will send another sync message.

Helpful tip: Upon receipt of a sync message, if HoneyDew detects that you have a newer copy than your sync partner HoneyDew will immediately reply with an updated sync message to your partner. So, from the reverse perspective, if you ever suspect that you are out of sync, forcing a manual sync will trigger your partner to also sync if they have a more current version, regardless of whether they're in HoneyDew or not.

How does it sync?

HoneyDew currently syncs via special PIN messages sent directly between the phones, no intermediate servers (except for RIM) are used. They'll show up in your inbox with the subject 'HoneyDew Sync Update'. The content of the message will appear gibberish and can be ignored (this is the actual sync data).

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