Beta 2.1.1 Released

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Beta 2.1.1 Released

New postby marwatk on Wed Jun 03, 2009 4:41 pm

Hi guys,

With the new usage stuff I was able to put together a recommendation engine, and I'm curious to know how it works.

With this beta you can go to Add Podcasts -> Recommendations and get personalized recommendations based on your subscriptions (assuming you have the anonymous stats turned on). The browser also has 'Top podcasts' which are the top subscribed podcasts of PodTrapper users.

Let me know how it goes and if it actually gives good recommendations.

Grab it here.

Versatile Monkey
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Re: Beta 2.1.1 Released

New postby Tripper_ on Wed Jun 03, 2009 6:40 pm

That fixed the backlight issue on the 8900. Thanks
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Re: Beta 2.1.1 Released

New postby 0bsrvr on Thu Jun 04, 2009 6:27 am

From my quick little testing so far... Everything looks to be working great. :D No problems found so far. Awesome job. Keep up the great work. I look forward to whatever new features get added in the future.
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Re: Beta 2.1.1 Released

New postby ammonsd on Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:26 am

Love the new Podcast Recommendation feature! Came in handy when I went thru all my pending Podcast while sitting thru a long delay at the airport.
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Re: Beta 2.1.1 Released

New postby c5karl on Fri Jun 05, 2009 2:12 pm

The recommendations feature works (as in doesn't throw errors), but I'm not sure I find it terribly useful.

Recommendations are tough, because if they're too obvious, they're not very interesting, but if there's too much serendipity, they're just wacky.

I scrolled through the first 20 or so recommendations. I wouldn't subscribe to any of the first ten (most of which seemed very odd recommendations -- not sure how I get a bunch of real estate shows out of my news, politics, sports and autos podcast list). There are three or four out of the next ten I'd consider subscribing to.

Re: Beta 2.1.1 Released

New postby marwatk on Fri Jun 05, 2009 6:34 pm

Yeah, I'm trying to strike a balance based on the various needs. Yesterday's results were based on a limited number of data from users, if you try today it should be better, but it's obviously never going to be perfect. (Though I found two podcasts I didn't know about with it). I figure if each user can find one or two podcasts they didn't already know about then it's worth doing.

Versatile Monkey
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