Vacation last week

New Apps, versions, features, etc

Vacation last week

New postby marwatk on Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:44 pm

Hi all,

Just wanted to apologize for any delays in my responses last week. I meant to make this post before I left (I managed to remember the email auto-responder at least). I was on vacation last week (actually I'm still sitting in the Ft. Lauderdale airport), but I'm back now so no more delays :)

Thanks for spreading the word on Podtrapper, there have been a lot of downloads in the last week, I sincerely appreciate it.

Now I just have to do my part and fix these bugs and get the rest of these features in there :)

I think I've responded to everyone that emailed or posted to the forums over the week, if you haven't heard from me definitely let me know here or via email.

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