Corprate License (mass licensing) for PodTrapper?

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Corprate License (mass licensing) for PodTrapper?

New postby joffsie on Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:18 am

I am a college "entrepreneur and developer" which is essentially fancy terms for my tendency to brainstorm silly ideas with friends.
I have a good amount of experience with IT managers in companies (faculty @ my school, family, friends, former business contacts) and I noticed a trend, especially one highlighted by a quote from a user in your story article that a single person or small group tends to control all of the blackberry mobile devices for a company.

Point is, I was wondering if you had contemplated mass licenses for companies that want to provide this product on all of their phones as a benefit to their employees. Doing something like direct selling the company a batch of X licenses to upgrade to the full version. Companies with a strong base of commuter employees, especially those around major cities like NYC, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Chicago, London, etc...may be interested in this and I'm sure you might find support for the idea amongst your existing user base.

If i was lucky enough to have a blackberry, I would use PodTrapper, but until I'm graduated and employed at the end of this year smartphones aren't in my future.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and let me know if I can help with the marketing of this idea (formulating pricing, figuring out how to reach out effectively, etc...) I'm always looking to pitch in on projects where I can actually make a difference.

Keep up the good work!
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Joined: Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:06 am

Re: Corprate License (mass licensing) for PodTrapper?

New postby marwatk on Tue Jun 23, 2009 7:15 pm

I have actually done this twice, once for a set of 30 users and one for close to 80 (I think, I'd have to look it up). It's always getting in the door that's hardest, though. Both of those sales have been organically by someone in their management chain getting exposed to PodTrapper. I'm not sure how you'd go about it as a sales approach (though that's probably why I suck at sales).

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Re: Corprate License (mass licensing) for PodTrapper?

New postby joffsie on Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:12 am

Not sure if this is mentioned elsewhere or should have its own topic, but do you have the ability to put one of your own podcasts automatically out to every user of PodTrapper?

If so then that would allow you a few good tools, particularly when it comes back to sales to friends/organizations/companies. Putting out updates on what new versions can do, reminding all of your users of your appreciation (which we are all very aware) and whatnot, also posing ideas such as spreading the word do friends or colleagues about this tool couldn't hurt if you do it in the same genuine way that seems to be the source of much of your success.

I see you speak often of a devoted and involved user base- make them work for you! Those who don't want to don't have to and won't, but I'm sure many wouldn't mind the 30 seconds or less of their life it takes to spread a quick e-mail to friends about something that makes their commute(i assume the top use for the program) much more pleasant.

Again like I said at the start- if it turns out you can, already do, or already decided against this I apologize for taking up time you could have been reading other messages!

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Joined: Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:06 am

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