Blackberry Bold goes to standby when playing videos

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Blackberry Bold goes to standby when playing videos

New postby kirlam on Sun Jun 07, 2009 2:31 am


I've been using PodTrapper for a while and LOVE it - never had a moments trouble.

However, since the upgrade to version 2.1.0 I can no longer playback video podcasts. The videos start to play as per normal but after the usual "stand-by" time for my blackberry the screen fades to black and the playback stops. I have to keep moving the trackball to stop the video from suspending. I never had this problem with the previous version. Audio playback has always faded the screen to standby but in the previous version of PodTrapper if I played a video podcast the screen stayed lit until the end of the playback.

I'm running BB OS v4.6.0.126 (Platform

The really odd thing is that my partner also has a Blackberry Bold and runs Podtrapper 2.1.0 but DOESN'T have this problem - although the BB OS on the working one is slightly different - it's OS v4.6.0.92 (Platform

Really hope you can help - I travel quite a bit and my PodTrapper is the only thing that keeps me sane when I'm sitting around airports.


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Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2009 1:47 am

Re: Blackberry Bold goes to standby when playing videos

New postby kirlam on Sun Jun 07, 2009 2:45 am

Oops - just found another post with a similar issue (I did search first but didn't see anything - honest).

Have installed the beta 2.1.1 and it works perfectly.

Thank you so much
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Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2009 1:47 am

Re: Blackberry Bold goes to standby when playing videos

New postby marwatk on Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:08 am

Great, definitely let me know if you run into any more trouble.

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