Exceptions on 8120 over wifi

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Exceptions on 8120 over wifi

New postby agnagey on Wed May 13, 2009 7:18 am

8120 v4.3.0.115 on tmo
I have just started having an issue where none of my podcasts update while at home on wifi. (it is set to only update via wifi.) If I restart the phone and podtrapper it will have no problems downloading any of the podcasts. Last night I copied this log after it failed an attempt and emailed it to myself so I could read it on a larger screen. Right after I sent the email the podcast in question downloaded with no problem, however other podcasts would not.

198000: Attempting at Tue May 12 22:30:32 America/Chicago 2009
198000: Wifi.wifi: 1 of 6
198000: Attempting
198000: Beginning download of http://chkpt.zdnet.com/chkpt/1pcast.bol ... 051209.mp3 after 0 redirects and time
198000: 0 seconds have elapsed since the start of this attempt
198000: Full download, no previous parts
198003: Response code is 302: Found
198003: Redirected
198003: Beginning download of http://podcast-files.cnet.com/podcast/c ... 051209.mp3 after 1 redirects and time
198003: 3 seconds have elapsed since the start of this attempt
198003: Full download, no previous parts
198015: Exception caught doDownload: Exception caught: net.rim.device.cldc.io.dns.
DNSException/Bad DNS Address
198015: We were at step: 42 and read data step: 0
198015: Read 0 bytes before failing
198015: Desktop.bbhttp: 2 of 6
198015: Desktop.bbhttp unable: Not Connected to Desktop Downloader
198015: bisdesktop.bbhttp.GPMDSNA01: 3 of 6
198015: bisdesktop.bbhttp.GPMDSNA01 unable: Method Desktop not allowed in settings
198015: bisota.bbhttp.GPMDSNA01: 4 of 6
198015: bisota.bbhttp.GPMDSNA01 unable: Method OTA not allowed in settings
198015: wap2.bbhttp.WAP2 trans: 5 of 6
198015: wap2.bbhttp.WAP2 trans unable: Method OTA not allowed in settings
198015: tcp.bbhttp: 6 of 6
198015: tcp.bbhttp unable: Method OTA not allowed in settings
198015: No more downloaders to try
198015: Control returned to queue
198015: Permanent failure after 0 bytes: Exception caught: net.rim.device.cldc.io.dns.DNSException/Bad DNS Address
198015: Closing download attempt: Attempt finished

Re: Exceptions on 8120 over wifi

New postby marwatk on Wed May 13, 2009 8:00 pm

The pertinent line is this:
Exception caught doDownload: Exception caught: net.rim.device.cldc.io.dns.DNSException/Bad DNS Address

I haven't figured out why it happens, but sometimes the bb gets into a state where it has trouble performing DNS lookups. It usually ends up resolving itself, but you can force it by restarting the berry or the router or both (I've had reports of different combinations of those working for different people).

Wish I had a better answer, but this one is in the OS so I can't debug and figure out why it's happening...

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