storm keyboard

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storm keyboard

New postby hjc on Wed May 06, 2009 4:41 am

Am using Blackberry Storm - keyboard will not go away and consequently I cannot "see" option to allow desktop download - how do I get rid of keyboard?

Re: storm keyboard

New postby MikeyT on Thu May 07, 2009 8:12 am

This could be down to the fact that the program is running in compatibility mode on the Storm.

Go to OPTIONS>ADVANCED OPTIONS>APPLICATIONS let the list build then scroll to 'podtrapper' highlight it but don't press it. then press the BB button and you will see in the menu 'Compatibility Mode' it will either say Enable or Disable depending upon the current status, but disable it and re run PodTrapper and the keyboard should have gone.

I'm running PodTrapper in this way and I have the application in full screen on my Storm.

Hope it works for you.
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Re: storm keyboard

New postby marwatk on Fri May 08, 2009 8:38 am

Thanks for explaining, MikeyT.

It may also be worth noting that it sometimes takes one or two battery pulls for the setting to take effect (though I don't know the situations that cause that, probably PodTrapper still running when you set it).

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