Clarification to the "Downloaded episodes to keep" setting

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Clarification to the "Downloaded episodes to keep" setting

New postby EliezerB on Fri May 13, 2011 3:03 pm

In the docmentation at
it says:
Downloaded episodes to keep
This determines how many episodes will be kept downloaded on your device at one time. It defaults to 4. This means that if PodTrapper automatically downloads an episode, and that episode brings the total downloaded for that podcast to a number greater than 4, PodTrapper will automatically delete old episodes to bring the total down to this number. It will try to delete listened episodes first, and will always start at the oldest.

Does that mean if I'm a bit behind in listening to a podcast - let's say I've got 4 downloaded aleady - and a 5th one is now available - that the first one which I've never listened to will be deleted automatically without me ever hearing it? Is there a setting to prevent that from happening? What I'd like to happen is to have PT always keep (using this example) 4 episodes downloaded - but not erase them before I get to them...

Please advise.

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Re: Clarification to the "Downloaded episodes to keep" setting

New postby marwatk on Tue May 17, 2011 3:23 pm

That's correct. It will delete the oldest one (depending on the download order configured) to make room for a new one to stay under that limit.

What you want to do is set 'Delete after listening', which will clear out old episodes. Then set the 'to keep' setting high and you should be good to go.

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Re: Clarification to the "Downloaded episodes to keep" setting

New postby EliezerB on Thu May 19, 2011 1:44 pm

But I don't really want the episodes getting deleted after 95% listening.

Here's the situation, perhaps you can advise... I plan to eventually listen to all episodes of a long-running podcast. There are currently 300+ episodes out there. So I have both the Downloaded episodes to keep and the Max to auto-download set to 5. If I make the first setting really high, it'll download many GBs in one month alone - which will cost me a fortune (I've got a 5 GB limit). As I understand it, that second setting doesn't really affect this situation altogether.

Does that mean I'm stuck with having PT delete the oldest episodes - even if I haven't had a chance to get to them? ...or am I missing something?

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Re: Clarification to the "Downloaded episodes to keep" setting

New postby marwatk on Mon May 23, 2011 3:54 pm

I guess I may not be understanding what functionality you're looking for? Can you describe what you'd like to see happen?

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Re: Clarification to the "Downloaded episodes to keep" setting

New postby EliezerB on Tue May 24, 2011 1:48 pm

I plan to eventually listen to all episodes of a long-running podcast. There are currently 300+ episodes out there. What I don't want to happen is if I'm a bit behind in listening to a podcast - let's say I've got 4 downloaded aleady - and a 5th one is now available - that the first one which I've never listened to will be deleted automatically without me ever hearing it? I also don't want the episodes getting deleted after any less than 100% listened (not 95%).

Does that explain what I'm looking for?
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Re: Clarification to the "Downloaded episodes to keep" setting

New postby marwatk on Sat Jun 11, 2011 7:12 pm

Ah, so if you set the download order to oldest first it'll do what you're after. It'll never download a newer episode until you've deleted an older one.

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