desktop downloading trouble

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desktop downloading trouble

New postby ChuckBerry on Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:15 am

Good Morning All,

I'm trying the trial version of podtrapper. If I can get it working right, then I'll definitely buy. I've been trying to get the desktop downloading going and it's not working.

I have a BB Curve 8310 with BB Desktop Manager v5.0.1.37 just installed. When I connect my phone here's what podtrapper says below. It says this over and over and never downloads anything. Can anyone make sense of it?


Connection advice is unavailable
No such interface supported
Device count > 0
GUID: stuff
NetworkType: 3
BBPIN: stuff
MUX Version: 512
OS Type: 0
BR Metrics: ?
OS Metrics: O
HubAddress: \DosDevices\HCD3\1
Power: 500
DeviceName: \\?\USB#Vid_0fca&Pid_0004&MI_00#6&164f16a&0&0000#{80375827-83b8-4a51-b39b-905fedd4f118}
Opening Channel: PodtrapperUSB
Invalid advise flags

Re: desktop downloading trouble

New postby ChuckBerry on Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:48 am

Hello All,

Haven't seen any thoughts yet. Is there more information I need to present or should I just be patient?



desktop downloading trouble

New postby ChuckBerry on Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:09 pm

Hello Everyone,

Maybe I'll have better luck here. This forum is appropriate while the other wasn't. Not sure how I missed this forum the first time.

Thank you in advance for any thoughts.


Good Morning All,

I'm trying the trial version of podtrapper. If I can get it working right, then I'll definitely buy. I've been trying to get the desktop downloading going and it's not working.

I have a BB Curve 8310 with BB Desktop Manager v5.0.1.37 just installed. When I connect my phone here's what podtrapper says below. It says this over and over and never downloads anything. Can anyone make sense of it?


Connection advice is unavailable
No such interface supported
Device count > 0
GUID: stuff
NetworkType: 3
BBPIN: stuff
MUX Version: 512
OS Type: 0
BR Metrics: ?
OS Metrics: O
HubAddress: \DosDevices\HCD3\1
Power: 500
DeviceName: \\?\USB#Vid_0fca&Pid_0004&MI_00#6&164f16a&0&0000#{80375827-83b8-4a51-b39b-905fedd4f118}
Opening Channel: PodtrapperUSB
Invalid advise flags

Re: desktop downloading trouble

New postby marwatk on Fri Apr 16, 2010 6:41 pm

Hi Chuck,

Sorry for the delay, I've been out most of the week.

Hmm, it looks like the desktop app isn't seeing PodTrapper running on your phone. Is PodTrapper running?

Versatile Monkey
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Re: desktop downloading trouble

New postby ChuckBerry on Fri Apr 16, 2010 9:41 pm

marwatk wrote:Hi Chuck,

Sorry for the delay, I've been out most of the week.

Hmm, it looks like the desktop app isn't seeing PodTrapper running on your phone. Is PodTrapper running?


Hi Marcus,

No worries at all. I can be patient. Just wanted to make sure I was posting right with the right info. Thanks for the response.

Yes, it was running. It's v2.6.7. When I look at the BB it says that it's trying to download the podcast, but it never gets anywhere.


Re: desktop downloading trouble

New postby marwatk on Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:10 pm

Hmm, the 'Invalid advise flags' error means the channel hasn't been set up on the BB. Can you send me a copy of the logs from inside PodTrapper? (Via the 'Email Developer' menu item). Make sure to note what it's in reference to (I get a lot of emails, heh).

Versatile Monkey
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