Video Podcast but Podtrapper Filename says MP3

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Video Podcast but Podtrapper Filename says MP3

New postby tmdublin on Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:00 pm

I have a few video podcasts that I watch, but for some reason Podtrapper treats them as mp3 instead of video. When I look at the filename in podtrapper, it lists it as an mp3. One example is: When I play podcast from this feed podtrapper treats them as an mp3 instead of video. If I download from this feed manually and play in BBMP, it plays fine.

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Re: Video Podcast but Podtrapper Filename says MP3

New postby marwatk on Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:56 pm

Hi Tim,

Yeah, that's just bad coding on my part. When it can't find a proper extension in the download url it chooses mp3 arbitrarily (most podcasts specify the file name in the url, so it's not an issue). In the next version it will be more intelligent about what it does in that case (using the content-type header).

What happens when you try to play it in PodTrapper? Do you just get the audio?

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Re: Video Podcast but Podtrapper Filename says MP3

New postby tmdublin on Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:24 pm

Hi Marcus,

When I try playing one of these video podcast that is marked as mp3, it plays audio and video and works fine as long as you touch the screen before it times out and goes blank. If the screen goes blank the audio continues but none of my buttons are recognized. I have to do a battery pull to get out of the program. I tried letting a podcast play until it finshed while the screen was blank, but at the end I still could not control anything and had to do a battery pull to get control back. So far I have 4 different video podcasts that have this problem. Thanks for your quick reply on this and I'll have to make sure I keep hitting the screen when trying to play one of these podcast until there is a fix.

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Re: Video Podcast but Podtrapper Filename says MP3

New postby marwatk on Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:26 pm

Do you have other video podcasts that don't exhibit that behavior? (The screen not responding thing?)

What version of PT are you on? I fixed some major blanking issues in 2.0.2, but it's only available in beta. Can you give that one a shot? You can get it at

Definitely let me know.

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Re: Video Podcast but Podtrapper Filename says MP3

New postby tmdublin on Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:01 pm

My other video podcast are listed as file type mp4 or m4v in Podtrapper and they work correctly (no screen dimming). It's only the ones labeled as type mp3 that have this problem. An example that works correctly is the CNET video podcast at ... =292130379

I am using the latest beta version of Podtrapper 2.0.2 and I'm on a Blackberry Storm with .132 OS but I have the same issue when I download to earlier versions of the Blackberry OS.

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Re: Video Podcast but Podtrapper Filename says MP3

New postby tmdublin on Wed May 27, 2009 8:41 pm

After installing beta 2.0.10 and redownloading the affected podcasts, this problem has been corrected on my Blackberry Storm.

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Re: Video Podcast but Podtrapper Filename says MP3

New postby marwatk on Thu May 28, 2009 5:36 pm

Sweet, thanks for letting me know.

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