Display doesn't stay on with Videos

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Display doesn't stay on with Videos

New postby MinnMonkey on Fri May 08, 2009 1:44 pm

I am running PodTrapper 2.0.2 and OS version (leaked beta OS) for the BlackBerry Storm 9530, and PodTrapper doesn't seem to have the ability to keep the screen active, and it fades out according to my Backlight Timeout settings while watching video podcasts. This didn't happen with version 2.0 of PodTrapper and previous Storm OS's.

Not sure if this is an issue with PodTrapper or the Storms Beta OS, but I thought I would pass it on anyways.
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Re: Display doesn't stay on with Videos

New postby ammonsd on Sat May 09, 2009 5:45 am

I'm running PodTrapper 2.02 on the Storm without any issues when viewing videos. In fact, I just had a 4 hour flight delay and spent most of the time watching Vanguard videos with that combination.
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Re: Display doesn't stay on with Videos

New postby marwatk on Sat May 09, 2009 11:18 am

It's actually dependent on the file name of the downloaded episode (have I mentioned how much I love their quirky video player? Heh).

Though this one is largely my fault, I pick a generic extension for the files that don't specify a file name in the download, and the internal player uses the file name to detect whether to keep the screen on (you'd think it would pick something a little better, like whether it's actually showing a video or not, but oh well). I do manually try to keep the backlight on, but the Storm apparently doesn't honor that (the other phones seem to).

I've got a fix for this in the next release, but can't publish it fully until the App world fixes some bugs with respect to upgrades.

Hope this helps (at least explain it).

Versatile Monkey
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Re: Display doesn't stay on with Videos

New postby tmdublin on Mon May 18, 2009 1:06 pm

I'm still seeing this same behavior with the 2.0.3 beta. Just posting incase others are seeing the same problem.
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Re: Display doesn't stay on with Videos

New postby marwatk on Mon May 18, 2009 6:20 pm

Yeah, haven't fixed that one yet, it'll be closer to 2.0.5 or so in the next week and a half.

Versatile Monkey
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