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A playback timer

New postPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:45 pm
by Eric123

Thanks for the great product. It still proves useful even after I switched away from BlackBerry (Thanks to the Desktop Downloader!).

This idea just popped into my head, it seems very selfish and I am not sure if a lot of people would want it, but new features seem to be added every few weeks so I hope this can make it in somewhere down the road...

A playback timer.

I may be alone in this, but I listen to Podcasts while going to sleep. It helps a lot and has basically cured my insomnia. The issue is, usually I can pause Podtrapper RIGHT before I fall asleep, but sometimes I don't realize it and then fall asleep with podcasts still playing. I have Auto Delete turned on, and wake up the next morning to realize I left it on and 8 hours worth of podcasts are wiped out.

It would be REALLY nice if I can go into a menu somewhere and say "Pause playback after: 15 Minutes, 30 Minutes, 1 Hour, 2 Hours, etc" and after that time podtrapper will automatically pause.

Re: A playback timer

New postPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 7:43 pm
by marwatk
This one is actually already on my list :)

It's one of those things I'll definitely get in there eventually.
