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A monkey discovers the solution for my podcast pain

New postPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:43 am
by peilei
I just read your development and marketing article via BBCool and it was wonderful.

You have brought bright, shiny light into my BB existence. I have owned various BB's for several years and would never give up my BB. Best communications device ever. In my ongoing quest to own and use the perfect convergence device, I have owned many devices. Several years ago, I discovered that BB was the closest thing to true convergence available. It's a great PDA, good phone, and wonderful communications platform.

But there was one dark secret that RIM didn't want to talk about... the media player lacked one single feature that relegated the device to the backwaters of circa 1998 devicedom. The media player didn't bookmark or remember where I last was. Sure, RIMs player can pause which works great until you close the player or reboot the device. Shameful and silly that a company with the resources of RIM couldn't add such a simple feature. So I set out to find a better solution...

I searched high, I searched low. Every player I found didn't have a clue how to do it. They promised updates with the feature and then never delivered. They simply ignored the need. They weren't real programmers I suspect... simply Russian teenagers pretending to be developers. They made pretty software, but it didn't actually do anything useful.

And then several weeks ago in my ongoing quest for the impossible, I stumbled across PodTrapper. *Sigh*. As some other users have noted, I would pay you a sack full of cash, no questions asked, just for the ability to bookmark my podcasts. Really... if you sent me a note right now and asked for another $30 I would send it with a smile. One simple feature, priceless. Oh, and I really love the inbuilt podcast downloading. Who needs iTunes? Not me. My iPod is sitting on eBay as we speak!

Marcus, thanks for your work here. You have built the perfect solution.

I now have the perfect convergence device and it clips on my hip.

Re: A monkey discovers the solution for my podcast pain

New postPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:28 pm
by marwatk
Hehe, thanks! I'm glad people are finding it useful, it's been a lot of fun to develop.

Now, about that sack of cash... :P
