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What's the maximum size of podcast file

New postPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 4:49 pm
by feeldennis
I download my podcasts via BIS on my bb 9630.
Both mp3 and videos.
I have noticed when the video files are larger than 200mb or there about, my downloads are incomplete.
I can never get it to download completely. Either it downloads the entire file but does not join the parts
completely giving me just half the size or it just stops half way of the size and shows it as been complete.
For example a video podcast may be 298 mb but only 188mb is downloaded. If i retry downloading the
same thing happens.

Podcasts that are under 180 mb are downloaded ok.

Is there a maximum size for a podcast?
I have unlimited download on my BIS on my blackberry.

Is there any solution?
Kind regards.

Re: What's the maximum size of podcast file

New postPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:24 pm
by marwatk
Hmm, it's going to depend heavily on the podcast server. Can you shoot me a copy of your logs after attempting to download one of those large files? It'll let me see what's going on behind the scenes. (Send them via the Help/Support or Email Developer menu item)
