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AAC files crash Blackberry on OS5

New postPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 3:51 pm
by tomlevine1
Just upgraded to OS5 (9630, 3G-CDMA), startup podtrapper, attempt to play an AAC podcast (which prior to upgrade worked fine), then Blackberry crashes and reboots, every time.

podcast is called "The Lost Podcast with Jay and Jack AAC version.

Tried reinstalling Podtrapper, but didn't help.

Thanks for the help.
Sincerely< Tom

Re: AAC files crash Blackberry on OS5

New postPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 2:07 pm
by marwatk
Hi Tom,

RIM broke media support for certain types of AAC files in some releases of OS5 (those with media embedded I think), so sadly there's not much I can do from my end. I have filed a ticket with them, but no word yet on a solution or workaround. Luckily that podcast has an MP3 version that should work: ... d_jack.xml

Let me know if that doesn't work for you.


Re: AAC files crash Blackberry on OS5

New postPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:26 pm
by tomlevine1
Thanks for the response, and the link. I hope they resolve soon. That's too bad for RIM.

Thanks for the link to the mp3 version. I don't think they update it right away (versus the AAc version).

I appreciate the ongoing support.

Thanks again, Tom